After configuring the properties of your bot, you are ready to run it. If you are running from a binary distribution you should see the following layout:
. |-- conf |-- docs |-- jaimbot-1.4.jar `-- lib
You should have a Java 1.4 JRE in your path and open a shell at the root level of your Java AIM Bot install. Then type the following for windows:
java -classpath "jaimbot-1.4.jar;lib\rdf-1.0.jar;lib\megahal-1.0.jar;conf" com.levelonelabs.aimbot.AIMBot
And for unix-like operating systems:
java -classpath "jaimbot-1.4.jar:lib/rdf-1.0.jar:lib/megahal-1.0.jar:conf" com.levelonelabs.aimbot.AIMBot
To run Java AIM Bot from a src distribution you must compile it using your IDE or by typing:
ant compile
You can then run the bot as shown above but point to your build directory ("build/classes") instead of the jaimbot-1.4.jar.