Sample Use of Java AIMBot

[Saturday 04:13:19 PM] larryMadeUpName: Hi there, whats new?
[Saturday 04:13:28 PM] JavaAIMBot: An acronym is a chemical found in new zealand.
[Saturday 04:13:41 PM] larryMadeUpName: help
[Saturday 04:13:42 PM] JavaAIMBot: For information on a specific service, type help followed by the service number listed below.

Current Services:

0) Babel Poetry Module 1) Headlines Module 2) List Module 3) MegaHal Module 4) Messenger Module 5) Preference Module 6) Stock Module 7) Telnet Module 8) User Administration Module 9) User Information Module 10) Weather Module 11) TV Listings Module

BabelPoetry Module

[Saturday 04:13:49 PM] larryMadeUpName: help 0
[Saturday 04:13:50 PM] JavaAIMBot: Help for Babel Poetry Module
BABEL [-n <DISTORTION>] <TEXT> (creates poetry from <TEXT>, this may take several seconds)

NOTE: Using -n optionally specifies amount to distort meaning (MAX:8)
[Saturday 04:14:39 PM] larryMadeUpName: babel SourceForge is now providing the resources for this wonderful project.
[Saturday 04:14:44 PM] JavaAIMBot: SourceForge deeply provides for with the operational hour of this wonderful plant.

Headlines Module

[Saturday 04:14:52 PM] larryMadeUpName: help 1
[Saturday 04:14:52 PM] JavaAIMBot: Help for Headlines Module

Type one of the following site names to see the latest headlines:

ars kuro mets techbar nfl islanders wired fark cnet robots jworld deals word sports slashdot cnn jsurf zdnet b2k
[Saturday 04:15:00 PM] larryMadeUpName: slashdot
[Saturday 04:15:01 PM] JavaAIMBot:

AMD Opteron Due In April

Clear Case Roundup

Forbes on Lessig and Eldred

Modular Home Network PVR at CeBIT

NASA To Try To Resume Flights By Fall
[Saturday 04:15:07 PM] larryMadeUpName: cnn
[Saturday 04:15:08 PM] JavaAIMBot:

Crisis spurs global rallies

Louisville claims C-USA title

Tkachuk out up to a month with sprained wrist

Travel advisory over pneumonia strain

Rollie Massimino resigns at Cleveland State
[Saturday 04:15:19 PM] larryMadeUpName: word
[Saturday 04:15:20 PM] JavaAIMBot:

benignant: Word of the Day
[Saturday 04:15:37 PM] larryMadeUpName: jworld
[Saturday 04:15:38 PM] JavaAIMBot:

Sun and Qualcomm partner

Sun lobbies for WS-I board seat

JavaOne registration open

Tech Talk: Two-phase commit

Workshop 8.1 draws mixed reaction

List Module

[Saturday 04:15:44 PM] larryMadeUpName: help 2
[Saturday 04:15:45 PM] JavaAIMBot: Help for List Module:

LISTS (shows all the current lists.)

SUBSCRIBE <LISTNAME> (subscribe yourself to the named list.)

UNSUBSCRIBE <LISTNAME> (unsubscribe yourself from the named list.)

POST <LISTNAME> <MESSAGE> (will post the message to everyone in the list. Offline members will be told when they sign on.)

MEMBERS <LISTNAME> (will show the members of everyone in the list. *ADMIN ONLY*)

MAKELIST <LISTNAME> (creates a new list. *ADMIN ONLY*)
[Saturday 04:22:42 PM] larryMadeUpName: lists
[Saturday 04:22:42 PM] JavaAIMBot: The current lists are:
[Saturday 04:22:50 PM] larryMadeUpName: makelist testers
[Saturday 04:22:51 PM] JavaAIMBot: The list, testers, was created with no members.
[Saturday 04:22:57 PM] larryMadeUpName: subscribe testers
[Saturday 04:22:58 PM] JavaAIMBot: You were successfully added to list:testers
[Saturday 04:23:13 PM] larryMadeUpName: lists
[Saturday 04:23:14 PM] JavaAIMBot: The current lists are:

testers with 1 members.
[Saturday 04:23:19 PM] larryMadeUpName: members testers
[Saturday 04:23:20 PM] JavaAIMBot: The list, testers, contains: larryMadeUpName
[Saturday 04:23:37 PM] larryMadeUpName: post testers This is a test!
[Saturday 04:23:38 PM] JavaAIMBot: larryMadeUpName posted to the testers list: This is a test!
[Saturday 04:23:38 PM] JavaAIMBot: Told 1 of 1 list members.
[Saturday 04:26:28 PM] larryMadeUpName: unsubscribe testers
[Saturday 04:26:29 PM] JavaAIMBot: You were successfully removed from list:testers

MegaHal Module

[Saturday 04:26:34 PM] larryMadeUpName: help 3
[Saturday 04:26:35 PM] JavaAIMBot: Help for MegaHal Module

MEGAHAL commands:

megahaladmin save - saves the megahal brain

megahaladmin think N - sets the think time to N seconds.
[Saturday 04:26:47 PM] larryMadeUpName: megahaladmin save
[Saturday 04:27:03 PM] JavaAIMBot: Saved Model

Messenger Module

[Saturday 04:27:07 PM] larryMadeUpName: help 4
[Saturday 04:27:08 PM] JavaAIMBot: Help for Messenger Module

TELL <MESSAGE> (sends a message to a person inthe system, if they are offline they will recieve the message next time they log in)

OFFLINE <MESSAGE> (will notify the person the next time they log in)

CLEAR MESSAGES (will erase messages in system for user)

SHOW MESSAGES (will display all the messages left for a user)

* If the preference "savemessages" is set to true, the user will need to manually clear messages.
[Saturday 04:27:29 PM] larryMadeUpName: tell jonnyOffline Hey whats up?
[Saturday 04:27:30 PM] JavaAIMBot: User jonnyOffline does not exist in the system.

Use the ADDUSER command to add them.
[Saturday 04:27:44 PM] larryMadeUpName: adduser jonnyOffline
[Saturday 04:27:44 PM] JavaAIMBot: User jonnyOffline added.
[Saturday 04:27:46 PM] larryMadeUpName: tell jonnyOffline Hey whats up?
[Saturday 04:27:46 PM] JavaAIMBot: jonnyOffline is offline and will be told when they signon.
[Saturday 04:28:07 PM] larryMadeUpName: tell larryMadeUpName Hi.
[Saturday 04:28:07 PM] JavaAIMBot: larryMadeUpName said: Hi.
[Saturday 04:28:20 PM] larryMadeUpName: offline larryMadeUpName HI, next time you sign on.
[Saturday 04:28:20 PM] JavaAIMBot: larryMadeUpName will be told next time they signon.
[Saturday 04:28:36 PM] larryMadeUpName: show messages
[Saturday 04:28:37 PM] JavaAIMBot: larryMadeUpName said " HI, next time you sign on." at Sat Mar 15 16:40:09 EST 2003
[Saturday 04:28:42 PM] larryMadeUpName: clear messages
[Saturday 04:28:43 PM] JavaAIMBot: Messages Cleared

Preference Module

[Saturday 04:28:47 PM] larryMadeUpName: help 5
[Saturday 04:28:47 PM] JavaAIMBot: Help for Preference Module

LISTPREFS (displays current preferences)

SETPREF <VALUE> (sets a preference for the user)
[Saturday 04:28:53 PM] larryMadeUpName: listprefs
[Saturday 04:28:53 PM] JavaAIMBot: Preferences:

zipcode = 20121
[Saturday 04:29:45 PM] larryMadeUpName: setpref importantNumber 12345
[Saturday 04:29:45 PM] JavaAIMBot: Preference (importantNumber = 12345) added.
[Saturday 04:29:50 PM] larryMadeUpName: listprefs
[Saturday 04:29:51 PM] JavaAIMBot: Preferences:

importantNumber = 12345

zipcode = 20121

Stock Module

[Saturday 04:29:58 PM] larryMadeUpName: help 6
[Saturday 04:29:58 PM] JavaAIMBot: Help for Stock Module

STOCK <SYMBOLS> (displays stock price and other info for the given space separated symbols)
[Saturday 04:30:02 PM] larryMadeUpName: stock ge
[Saturday 04:30:03 PM] JavaAIMBot:

"GE""GENERAL ELEC CO""3/14/2003""4:02pm"25.65"+0.44 - +1.75%"
[Saturday 04:30:11 PM] larryMadeUpName: stock ge ibm
[Saturday 04:30:12 PM] JavaAIMBot:

"GE""GENERAL ELEC CO""3/14/2003""4:02pm"25.65"+0.44 - +1.75%"

"IBM""INTL BUS MACHINE""3/14/2003""4:01pm"79.00"+0.55 - +0.70%"

Telnet Module

[Saturday 04:30:17 PM] larryMadeUpName: help 7
[Saturday 04:30:18 PM] JavaAIMBot: Help for Telnet Module

The Telnet module does not support commands through this interface.

Admin Module

[Saturday 04:30:25 PM] larryMadeUpName: help 8
[Saturday 04:30:25 PM] JavaAIMBot: Help for User Administration Module

ADDUSER (adds a user to the list, along with allowing for admin perms)

RMUSER (removes a user from the list)
[Saturday 04:30:37 PM] larryMadeUpName: adduser jonnyOffline
[Saturday 04:30:37 PM] JavaAIMBot: User jonnyOffline already exists in the system.
[Saturday 04:30:51 PM] larryMadeUpName: rmuser jonnyOffline
[Saturday 04:30:52 PM] JavaAIMBot: User jonnyOffline removed.

UserInfo Module

[Saturday 04:30:55 PM] larryMadeUpName: help 9
[Saturday 04:30:56 PM] JavaAIMBot: Help for User Information Module

HISTORY (displays user's recent sign on and off history)

USERS (displays status of all users)
[Saturday 04:31:04 PM] larryMadeUpName: history larryMadeUpName
[Saturday 04:31:04 PM] JavaAIMBot: Signed on: Sat Mar 15 13:40:07 EST 2003
[Saturday 04:31:14 PM] larryMadeUpName: users
[Saturday 04:31:15 PM] JavaAIMBot: larryMadeUpName[ON]A JavaAIMBot[ON]

Weather Module

[Saturday 04:31:23 PM] larryMadeUpName: help 10
[Saturday 04:31:23 PM] JavaAIMBot: Help for Weather Module

WEATHER <ZIPCODE> (displays the 5 day forcast for the specified zipcode()

* If the preference "zipcode" is set, you can omit the zipcode to use your default.
[Saturday 04:31:43 PM] larryMadeUpName: weather 52756
[Saturday 04:31:44 PM] JavaAIMBot: Weather for zipcode 52756:

Tonight Mar 15 (Mostly Clear) 43% Precip= 0 %

Sun Mar 16 (Cloudy) 67%/46% Precip= 10 %

Mon Mar 17 (AM T-Storms) 68%/53% Precip= 40 %

Tue Mar 18 (T-Storms / Wind) 61%/43% Precip= 80 %

Wed Mar 19 (Showers / Wind) 52%/40% Precip= 40 %
[Saturday 04:31:47 PM] larryMadeUpName: weather
[Saturday 04:31:48 PM] JavaAIMBot: Weather for zipcode 20121: Tonight Mar 15 (Partly Cloudy) 40% Precip= 0 %

Sun Mar 16 (PM Showers) 62%/44% Precip= 30 %

Mon Mar 17 (Partly Cloudy) 67%/45% Precip= 10 %

Tue Mar 18 (Partly Cloudy) 63%/51% Precip= 20 %

Wed Mar 19 (Showers) 64%/51% Precip= 40 %

TV Listings Module

[Sunday 06:41 PM] larryMadeUpName: help 11
[Sunday 06:41 PM] JavaAIMBot: Help for TV Listings Module

tvlist <ZIPCODE> (displays the tv providers in the area of the zipcode)

* If the preference "zipcode" is set, you can omit the zipcode to use your default.

tv <SHOW NAME> (displays the synopsis of the next upcomming episode of the specified show in your area)

* The preference "tvprovider" must be set!
[Sunday 06:42 PM] larryMadeUpName: tvlist 20121
[Sunday 06:42 PM] JavaAIMBot: Set the preference tvprovider to your providers code.

Richmond-Petersburg, VA --> us_DMA556

Tele-Media Bent Tree Apts, Centreville, VA --> us_VA60258

Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News, VA --> us_DMA544

Washington, DC-Hagerstown, MD --> us_DMA511

DIRECTV Washington, Washington, PA --> us_DITV511

Tri-Cities(bristol, VA-Kingsport-Johnson City, TN) --> us_DMA531

DISH Washington, Washington, PA --> us_DISH511

Roanoke-Lynchburg, VA --> us_DMA573

Charlottesville, VA --> us_DMA584

Cox Communications, Fairfax, VA --> us_VA45579

Cox Communications (Digital), Fairfax, VA --> us_VA45579d

Raleigh-Durham-Fayetteville, NC --> us_DMA560

Greensboro-High Point-Winston Salem, NC --> us_DMA518

Bluefield-Beckley-Oak Hill, WV --> us_DMA559

Harrisonburg, VA --> us_DMA569
[Sunday 06:42 PM] larryMadeUpName: setpref tvprovider us_VA60258
[Sunday 06:42 PM] JavaAIMBot: Preference (tvprovider = us_VA60258) added.
[Sunday 06:42 PM] larryMadeUpName: tv simps
[Sunday 06:42 PM] JavaAIMBot: The Simpsons

   Upcoming Episodes Apr 13 08:00pm

Series/Comedy, 30 Mins.

" Three Gays of the Condo ", Episode #1412.

Homer relishes living with a gay couple and refuses to return home to Marge.

Cast: Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith, Hank Azaria, Harry Shearer, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Scott Thompson.

Producer(s): James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, David Mirkin.

Original Airdate: April 13, 2003.
[Sunday 06:42 PM] larryMadeUpName: tv seinfeld
[Sunday 06:42 PM] JavaAIMBot: Seinfeld

   Upcoming Episodes Apr 13 11:30pm  

Series/Comedy, 30 Mins.

" The Kiss Hello ", Episode #614.

Jerry stops greeting friends with a kiss; Uncle Leo puts Nana in a nursing home; guest Wendie Malick, Carol Leifer.

Cast: Jerry Seinfeld, Jason Alexander, Michael Richards, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Wendie Malick, Len Lesser, Billy Ree Wallace, Liz Sheridan, Barney Martin, Carol Leifer, Julio Oscar Mechoso, Rondi Reed, Gene Elman, Mary Scheer, Louisa Abernathy, Timothy McNeil, Mark Fite, C.D. Lowe, Wendy Worthington, Belinda Barry.

Director(s): Andy Ackerman.

Writer(s): Larry David, Jerry Seinfeld.

Original Airdate: February 9, 1995.

Chatting with the Bot (MegaHal Module)

[Saturday 04:32:04 PM] larryMadeUpName: Is that all you can do?
[Saturday 04:32:12 PM] JavaAIMBot: It is better to stand up against the wall, Or kinda crouch down behind a piece of music.
[Saturday 04:32:27 PM] larryMadeUpName: Thats good advice, I will rember that.
[Saturday 04:32:36 PM] JavaAIMBot: A bokken is a light, Portable screen usually circular and supported on a stakeout, Do you date immature men.
[Saturday 04:33:09 PM] larryMadeUpName: Well, I don't date men, but even if I did they probably wouldn't be immature.
[Saturday 04:33:18 PM] JavaAIMBot: You wouldn't know it to heat in various ways.
[Saturday 04:33:38 PM] larryMadeUpName: yea... ok later.
[Saturday 04:33:47 PM] JavaAIMBot: The most beautiful thing we can experience is the organ used for building.